What other historical periods would you like to play in?

This thought of porting the game when finished to other periods of history has followed me for a while now. It would “just” be a task for graphic artists to update the visual parts and would be quite quick I think. Of course, it is not a priority at all at the moment. But now and then I enjoy myself by imagining which periods I’d love to do first.

So here is my list of favorites:

  • Victorian era (all these Gaskells and Brontes are just too good to be left ungamified)
  • Baroque era 1700-1750 (I just love these ridiculous wigs!)
  • Baroque era 1600-1700 (just think of Girl with a Pearl Earring …)
  • Rococo (with lot’s of intrigue as in Dangerous Liaisons!)
  • Edwardian era

So which one would you love to play in?

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5 Responses to What other historical periods would you like to play in?

  1. Emi says:

    Victorian and Edwardian get my vote. But definitely Edwardian. Got to love Downton Abbey :)

  2. Alex says:

    WIGS!! wigs and silly makeup with fops and dandies! MOZART! and SALIERI

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